I don't write normal titles because why would I do that. A disappearing coronavirus

Khan Academy stuff

When I was starting to learn how to make webpages, my favorite font was "cursive". The font wasn't cursive, it was comic sans, but I can't change that so it confused my mother when I was asking which font she wanted (She wanted comic sans). That's why I chose this font for the entire webpage, it was to jog my memory. Well, that's good enough for an introduction, let's move on.

I made my first account (I forgot it's username.) maybe about several months before the pandemic and it wasn't Falling10fruit because I haven't gotten the idea of: Sticking to your username which was actually a mistake. (I'll explain later in the Scratch section). It was a long time ago and the first thing I did was go into the programming section and learned how to make a simple image of a snowman using JavaScript and Prossesing.js (At the time, I thought it was pur JavaScript, I was obviously wrong). And then I started learning other stuff, I would have stayed on the computer for a long while until I needed to do other homework other than programming (I don't actually remember any limit to my programming time, lucky me).
I kept on doing this for a long while until I hit a challenge about a frog drawn using variables that my miniscule mind couldn't solve yet, I didn't give up so easily though and found out how to do the last step without finishing the first and second steps. After giving into defeat, I didn't continue Khan Academy for a while.

Several months later, I found out that my skill is under average for my age and I need to keep up with the standards. So I logged back into Khan Academy and solved the challenge about 301.04 times faster (Wow that was really cool, wow that was really cool, wow that was really cool, wow that was really cool [Repeat]). And I was like: "Wow, that was really cool, I didn't know all I have to do is quit my dream for several months to solve a challenge". So that's what I did after a little bit, in fact, I waited so long I forgot why I quitted Khan Academy so suddendly.


Scratch is a child-friendly place for ages 8 - 18 and I joined at 2017 (I think) because one of my mom's friend told her about Scratch. So I joined and became better at Scratch than my mom instantly because I'm a child and she's an adult so of course I could learn it slighty faster than her. Anyway, I made a few projects without ever saving them because I had no account and I didn't want an account, but one day, I spent so much time on a project once so I really wanted to save it this time. So I was like:

Me: "I want to save it"

My mom: "Okay" *Clickity clackitty* "What do you want the name to be?"

8 year old me thought that she was talking about my project, and my project was about collecting fruit that was falling out of the sky, and I was working really hard adding 10 fruits because I haven't discovered clones yet so I had to make each and every sprite (Which means ten sprites), so I said: "Falling ten fruit"

My mom: "*Casually typing the mistake into the username field* Done! You NEW account!"

I made a meme for this:

Username origin meme

The funny part is that I accepted it, not that my mom accidentally did that

Yay, now I don't ever need to worry about usernames anymore. I'll always just try to use Falling10fruit unless it's already taken/the username was already given by the system or my parents. Thanks mom.

Anyways, I started making offline 2 player games because it seemed cool until it wasn't fun anymore. So I started to stop making multiplayer games. My first follower was @cs[Insert numbers] and it was a famous userame, some scratchers would typw down cs and then numbers. I used to remember his number until he became offline for a long time. He was special to me as he was the only follower I had at the time so that happened