SPH is fun so far

I hope I don't die from the bully trauma

Getting in

I woke up at 7 and I was still half asleep because I sleep at 1 AM. Anyways all my friends went first (As per usual) and found out that the dorm is smaller than I thought, greedy me. And I quickly found out that most preperations I made was to waste because we were pessimists, and the actual problems are always never foreseen. I had a great time checking out every nook and cranny and unpacking plus devotion time was more of laundry questions

Also stop pressing backspace, John
Stop it

Getting used to it


Laundry is hard. I was hoping that I got it right, wrote notes everywhere, and asked the same question 5 times to make sure to make sure that I got the thing right. Fortunately I got everything, but unfortunately it took so long that most of my pants was already used. Sad. Fortununately, I found a great alternative which was to wash the clothes myself and it was much, by far easier to do.

We live in a society

I quickly found out how not child-friendly the area is compared to what I thought, especially when I found out that John (You will know who John is in good time) existed. But I've seen much worse and at least I can use much more, what should I call it, depressed jokes. It's still great nevertheless. Except when two certain people came in, so annoying, inappropiate, uncomfortable (I should stop now in case their parents - If they could guess that I'm talking about their child- see my work oh no).


Getting paid for eating how

So at the very first day during lunch at school, somebody (Imma gonna call him John) paid me a FREAKING R.p. 25,000 to eat his unwanted food! He then decided that I have to eat his leftovers for 5 days because my roomate (Who I will call James) was offered R.p. 5,000. Although I find this unfair because now I need to eat all of his's left overs over the course of 5 days, not five times. But I shouldn't complain, money is money.

At least the "contract" ended when the worst breakfast was served, I don't think I could handle the peanut sauce (Almost nobody could, James> was pretty gritty though, what a good man). The contract was then renwed at sunday and should last all the way to Thursday. I say should because I can't tell the future and time of writing right now is Tuesday... So yeah. Gotta make some money, why let the window of oppurtunity pass?

Borrowing money

At one moment, On of my friends (Now named Hillary) wanted to borrow my money so that he could buy himself a snack. So I let him borrow my money while I made sure the teachers can become witness. At first I thought he was going to give me exactly what the reciept said but he decied to round it up to the R.p. 5,000th (He gave me R.p. 15,000 when the reciept said about a little more than R.p. 13,000, gave the coin to James because why not). And I got bragging rights as my friends called me the son of [Insert famous bussiness man here].

Not using the money the dorm gave me

We had the entire day to ourself in a mall, they give each of us R.p. 100,000 for lunch and dinner. So logically, I took three lasagnyas from breakfast for breakfast lunch and dinner without bringing a bottle. Due to extreme luck beyond my puny understanding, my friends decided to go eat somewhere with free refills. And because I completely disregard the saliva present in their food (How else am I supposed earn John's money?) I took the opportunity and probably drank over one and a half gallons of tea (Yoshinoya) and soda (Carlo's). Plus John already renwed the contract and had some beef and rice (Noice, although the sambal was kind of disgusting but I can't argue. Money)

Unfortunately, I somehow generated the idea that they would give me dinner even when they explictly said that they gave me money for lunch AND dinner. So using my saddening mental capacity, I gave my lasagnya to my dad, arguably not the worst thing I've done. Anyhow, because my friends were buying ingredients to make food (Those two are going to be a chef when they grow up). And despite the increadibly low circumstances imaginable, they couldn't finish their magical food of tastynessesss and John willingly paid me R.p. 15,000 so that I would at least finish all of the vegetables and meat with two scoops of the rice spoons (Roughly 5 to 7 regular scoops). So I got paid for dinner and had a stomach full of food I probably wouldn't be able to afford otherwise. Amazing

My amazing hygiene

Taking showers

At first I followed the ways and took a bath 2 times a day. But after several annoyances and a shmoll injury. I went back to my old monkey ways and only took a bath at the night. And after that it kinda becomes spotaneous and not consistent. Then my pitiful of a frontal cortex decided to jump into the pool and not change nor shower 'til the next night. The next unfortunate settlers would be so happy


I'm just going to skip all of that "eating other people's food" part because I already told you. If not, then just go here, here, and here... Wait I think it's a little broken because of the hea- Anyways (Time of writing: A couple hours before presentation. HURRY UP), here's a pretty list of disgusting things: